Please read the following. The information relates to all OxMG events listed below.
To date we have not had to cancel or reschedule an talk or activity. However, this may be necessary, for example, due to inclement weather or illness of the speaker / organiser. For activities where you are required to register your attendance via email, the organiser will email you directly to inform you of any changes. For events where booking is not required (such as our Winter Talks), we will update the website and use Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) as soon as possible. Please therefore check before setting off.
We are going to have a whole host of talks, events and activities you can attend this year. At this stage the finer details of many aren't finalised so please come back to check for updates soon or become a member to get updates emailed to you.
Events are in chronological order so please scroll down the page to find our upcoming events.
Winter Talks (early) 2017
Our early winter talks programme began in October 2016 and finished in March 2017, with one talk a month. Each talk will be held in the magnificent Museum of Natural History in central Oxford. Each talk will start at 7pm and have a maximum capacity of 300 people.
09 January: Dr Joanna Bagniewska (University of Reading)
Ecology and behaviour of American mink in the UK
13 February: Roger Trout
13 March: Nigel Fisher (Conservator of Wytham Woods)
Deer: A Conservationist’s Friend or Foe
Twenty years of practical deer management and research in Wytham Woods
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Museum of Natural History for supporting our winter talks programme and providing such an excellent venue.
To see the winter talks taking place in late 2017 please click here:

@ Ross Mackenzie
@ National Geographic
@ Ed Austin
@ Ed Austin
Activities in 2017
Monday 27 February 2017
The White House - Oxfordshire Mammal Group AGM and Mammal Quiz
Where & When: The White House pub (upstairs function room) on Abingdon Road, Oxford
Overview: We will be running a mammal-themed quiz night with nibbles and fantastic prizes to be won. There will be a wide selection of categories, so even if you are not the most confident with your mammal knowledge there should still be lots you will know! Come as a team or by yourself, there will be plenty of people willing to pair up.
The quiz will be preceded by a short (c. 30 minute) AGM where we will briefly summarise last years’ activities, our plans moving forward, and elect committee members for next year. Some committee members are standing down this year, and all posts are up for re-election, so please do consider if you would like to help support us in any of these roles.
The Agenda for the AGM can be viewed here.
If anybody would like to find out more about what's involved in any of the posts, please feel free to contact the Chair Merryl Gelling in advance of the meeting, or come up for a chat at the Mole talk at the Natural History Museum on Monday 13 February.
We'd really like to see and hear from you so please come along if you can.
Activities in 2017
This year we will be running one fabulous event each month from April to September. These will be designed to give as many people as possible the opportunity to learn about mammals in Oxfordshire. We will be announcing our schedule soon so please either check back here or follow us on facebook or twitter to receive automatic updates from us.
14-16 April 2017 (Easter bank holiday weekend)
Small Mammal Trapping at Shotover Country Park
Come and celebrate Easter at Shotover where we are running surveys and training in small mammal trapping and identification. This family friendly event is suitable for all levels of experience - if you want to see how it is done or to refresh your skills, please come along.
Numbers will be limited, so please book in advance here saying which session(s) you would like to attend, and providing a phone number for any last minute communications. Wear sturdy footwear and bring warm/waterproof clothes. Hot cross buns will be provided on Friday and feel free to bring eggs to roll or chocolate on Sunday!
Friday 14 (pm): Setting Longworth traps in the evening *
Saturday 15 (am & pm): Checking traps, identifying animals & re-setting traps (morning & evening)
Sunday 16 (am): Checking traps, identifying animals & collecting in traps **
* The Friday session is ideal for those wanting to learn the skills to deploy traps and choose the best locations to find mammals.
** The Sunday morning session may be the best session for families to attend as there will be less waiting around to re-set the traps.

Saturday 03 June 2017
Festival of Nature Wild Fair
The Festival of Nature is a two week event held from 30 May to 14 June. There are a whole suite of activities for all to enjoy (see full schedule here).
We will be attending the Wild Fair event at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History from 10am to 4pm. Visit our stand for some mammal identification games and craft activities!
Saturday 10 June 2017
Wytham Woods - Mammal Detectives
Where & When: Meet at the car park on hill (just up from Wytham village) at 10am
What to bring/wear: Picnic lunch, suitable clothes for the weather, sturdy shoes
Overview: We will take a walk through Wytham Woods looking out for signs of mammal activity and meeting up with local experts throughout the walk. Expect to see signs of deer and badgers as well as small mammals and bats. We'll finish around 1pm at the top of the hill for a picnic lunch - please bring some snacks with you!
Who can attend: The walk is aimed at older children and adults. Young children are not recommended to attend this event.
Booking is essential as numbers are limited. Please book to reserve your place.
Sunday 16 July 2017
Dormouse Survey at the Elvendon Estate near Goring
An exciting opportunity to help survey for dormice in south Oxfordshire. Although we can't promise any dormice there is potential. No experience required but you have to be a member of Oxfordshire Mammal Group (for insurance purposes). Booking is required as we are limited on places. Please bring:
Suitable outside clothing
Sturdy footwear
Suncream (we can always hope)
Exact meeting location and timings to be confirmed on booking (although likely c. 13:00-15:00)
Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th August 2017
Countryfile Live at Blenheim Palace
Oxfordshire Mammal Group will be manning a stand at the Countryfile Live Event, a family fun day to engage people with wildlife and the conutryside. There will be a whole host of attractions including wildlife zones, circus shows, dog shows, talks, farm animals, food and drink. Tickets are available on the door but are cheaper in advance from www.countryfilelive.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Friday 25 August 2017
Bat Walk and Mist-Netting at Combe Mill
Come and discover the secretive life of bats with experts from Oxfordshire Bat Group, Oxfordshire Mammal Group, North Bucks Bat Group and the Evenlode Catchment Partnership (hosted by Wild Oxfordshire). We will be surveying for bats and other mammals, holding mammal tracking and bat walks and showing night-
time footage of local wildlife.
Pre-booking is essential: email Combe Mill bookings@combemill.org
Tickets cost £2 per child with accompanying adult, £3 per adult accompanying a child and £5 for un-accompanied adults. Payment in cash on the night only.
All proceeds go to the Combe Mill Outdoor Education Programme.
Saturday 02 September 2017
Dormouse Survey at the Elvendon Estate near Goring
An exciting opportunity to help survey for dormice in south Oxfordshire. Although we can't promise any dormice there is potential. No experience required but you have to be a member of Oxfordshire Mammal Group (for insurance purposes). Booking is required as we are limited on places. Please bring:
Suitable outside clothing
Sturdy footwear
Suncream (we can always hope)
Exact meeting location and timings to be confirmed on booking (although likely c. 13:00-15:00)
Sunday 03 September 2017
Wychwood Forest Fair
We will be attending the Wychwood Forest Fair, which is open from 11am to 5pm. For more information about the event please follow this link. We'd love to see you at our stand!
Saturday 07 October 2017
Wild Woods Day, Sutton Courtenay
We will be attending the Wild Woods Day at Sutton Courtenay, which is open from 10am to 4pm. For more information about the event please follow this link. We'd love to see you at our stand!
Sunday 08 October 2017
Dormouse Survey, Aston Rowant NNR
We are looking for volunteers to survey the dormouse boxes installed in Aston Rowant NNR.
Timings to be confirmed.
Who can attend: Anyone is welcome to attend a survey, as long as they are an Oxon Mammal Group member and book in advance (spaces are limited). Everyone will be provided with training by the licenced ecologist (Lynda Newbold) on the day. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring food and drink.
Booking is essential please email Pete for more information.
The survey on Sunday 08 October will be at Aston Rowant (OX49 5SD).
Saturday 28 October 2017
Dormouse Nut Hunt (and Training)
Where & When: Greenfield Farm, Christmas Common (OX49 5HG). Timings to be confirmed.
Dormice are present within the wider area near the farm and the land owner would like to learn if they have dormice in their wood. Therefore we are looking for volunteers:
If you would like to learn how to identify dormouse nuts and want hints and tips for finding them, then please come along and all training will be given by the licenced ecologist (Peter Newbold).
Alternatively if you know how to identify dormouse nuts then we are more than happy you coming along to test your skills and help us find out if dormice are in this woodland.
Free to members but booking is essential please email Pete for more information.
Winter Talks (late) 2017
Our late winter talks programme began in October 2017 and will finish in March 2018, with one talk a month. Each talk will be held in the magnificent Museum of Natural History in central Oxford. Each talk will start at 7pm and have a maximum capacity of 300 people. Please note it is not possible to book advance tickets for the talks, just turn up before 7pm. To date we have not reached capacity.
Mon. 09 October: Tim Coulson, Professor of Zoology, University of Oxford. The Wolves of Yellowstone
Mon. 13 November: Dr Tim Healing. Bank voles on Skomer and Ramsey Islands
Mon. 04 December: Dr Amy Dickman, Kaplan Senior Research Fellow in Wild Cat Conservation, WildCru, University of Oxford. Money, Myths & Man-eaters: Resolving Human-Carnivore Conflict in Tanzania
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Museum of Natural History for supporting our winter talks programme and providing such an excellent venue.
To see the winter talks in early 2018 click here:
Please Note: For insurance purposes oudoor events are open only to Oxfordshire Mammal Group members. For more information about membership please see our Membership page.