Please read the following. The information relates to all OxMG events listed below.
To date we have not had to cancel or reschedule an talk or activity. However, this may be necessary, for example, due to inclement weather or illness of the speaker / organiser. For activities where you are required to register your attendance via email, the organiser will email you directly to inform you of any changes. For events where booking is not required (such as our Winter Talks), we will update the website and use Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) as soon as possible. Please therefore check before setting off.
We are going to have a whole host of talks, events and activities you can attend this year. At this stage the finer details of many aren't finalised so please come back to check for updates soon or become a member to get updates emailed to you.
Events are in chronological order so please scroll down the page to find our upcoming events.
Winter Talks 2020
Our winter talks programme will start in October 2020 and finish in March 2021, with one talk a month. This year each talk will be run remotely, delivered 'live' from the speaker's home location to wherever you want to be! There will be an opportunity for questions at the end, as with our usual face-to-face talks. We hope the talks will then be available to access later, which will be a bonus for those who cannot make the 7pm time.
Mon. 13 January 2020: Leopards
By Tara Pirie, Reading University
Mon. 10 February 2020: Short talks - New research in Oxford
The next generation of Oxford mammal researchers present us with a first look at some of their latest research
Mon. 09 March 2020: BBOWT Water Vole Recovery Project
By Julia Lofthouse, BBOWT
Mon. 12 October: Tigers and Leopards in Nepal
By Amy Fitzmaurice from WildCRU, talking about her DPhil
Mon. 09 November: Hybridization and the Scottish Wild Cat
By Dr Keri Langridge, Conservation Manager for the Scottish Wild Cat Project
Mon. 07 December: Tree-mendous! Roosting use of tree holes by British bats
By Keith Cohen, local Consultant Ecologist and bat expert
Information about how to join the talk are provided on social media and via email to members in advance of the talk. Please register to become a member to get email updates.
After the event you can rewatch videos on our YouTube channel.

Activities in 2020
Saturday 07 March 2020
TVERC Recorder's Conference
Where and when?
10am - 4pm Cheney School, Cheney Lane, Oxford, OX3 7QH
The recorders’ conferences offers a chance for the biological recording community to come together and share updates and information on what they are doing. Anyone who is interested in wildlife recording and conservation is welcome to attend.
£5 for students (proof of student status required)
£10 individual or volunteer recorders
£18 corporate/professionals (employer is paying your attendance)
The main talks will be by the Oxfordshire Bat Group (Keith Cohen) and the Oxfordshire Badger Group.
During the event Bob Cowley is running a workshop on Mammal Tracks and Signs.
This includes lunch and refreshments. Advance booking is required and the final date for bookings or refunds is Friday 29th February. Book here!
Monday 23 March 2020 - CANCELLED due to Covid-19
Oxon Mammal Group Members' Film Night & AGM
Where and when? UPDATE: Event cancelled (on 17/03/2020) due to Covid-19
With the developments of the last week, and yesterday's revised Government advice, the Committee really has no alternative but to CANCEL next Monday's Spring Social and AGM.
Although our Constitution gives no clear guidance on how to proceed in these extraordinary circumstances, we want to do our best to respect the democratic spirit of our organisation. With that in mind, I have asked all the Officers to provide short written annual reports, which I will send out to you in place of our more usual oral reports presented at our AGM. When you receive these, please do take the time to read them and raise any questions that you may have.
We would also very much welcome anybody who would like to put themselves forward to join the Committee for the coming year. In the absence of a formal AGM at which to hold an election, the majority of the current Committee are happy to continue in their current roles, but we can use the provisions of our Constitution to co-opt any additional members that would like to join us.
Given the way things have gone, I don't suppose news of this cancellation will come as a surprise to many, but it will still be disappointing to some of you, particularly those who have already prepared displays of photos or videos to share. To anybody in that position, please hang onto it - we look forward to enjoying it at some later date.
In the meantime, keep safe and look after each other - and don't forget that social isolation does not stop you getting out and enjoying the natural world. In fact, a walk in the country is likely to help keep you strong, both physically and mentally (and you could seize the opportunity to try out the Mammal Mapper App).
Following the popularity of last year's innovation, this year we will again celebrate the Equinox with a social evening featuring Members' videos and photos (and a short AGM).
Last year's event was very entertaining, with members supplying a wide variety of interesting and funny videos and photos. Please do contribute if you can - simply bring along a USB memory stick, with any photos, videos or trailcam footage that you think will be of interest to the other members. So probably mammals, probably British, and probably taken by you - but not necessarily any of those! Maybe something you saw on holiday, or a compilation that you have edited together, or even something extraordinary that you've found on the internet. It might be unusual, funny, or simply beautiful, but if you've got access to something that you think is interesting, please bring it along. And don't worry too much about the technical quality - if you've got footage of an otter in the middle of Oxford, or a beaver you saw in Scotland, or a wolf pack in Yellowstone, we'd like to see it!
In addition to the fun, to function as a legal entity we need to conduct a small amount of formal business to ensure the Group is governed in a responsible manner. This includes circulation and approval of reports, election of the Committee, and consideration of any proposed amendments to our Constitution.
On this occasion, most of the existing members of the Committee have expressed their willingness to continue in their current roles. However, one notable exception is Chloe Dalglish, who has to stand down form the position of Surveys Officer as she will be based in Australia for the coming year.
Members are encouraged to consider putting themselves forward for this, or indeed any other, role on the Committee. If you are considering that possibility, you are very welcome to contact Bob Cowley (as current Chair) in confidence in advance of the meeting, to get a clearer idea of what may be involved.
Other Events
The remainder of our activities for 2020 have not been scheduled yet. Please check back regularly for the date or better yet become a member and receive an update about upcoming events.
Please Note: For insurance purposes oudoor events are open only to Oxfordshire Mammal Group members. For more information about membership please see our Membership page.